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In addition to maintaining the facilities owned by the town, the town of Barnesville provides the following services to the residents of the town. For any questions or comments on these services, please contact the town clerk at

Street Lighting

Streetlights within town limits are provided through a contract with Potomac Edison. 



Trash Collection and Recycling

The town provides weekly trash and recycling collection through a contract with Titus Trash. Collection is generally on Wednesday morning each week. There are also special collection days for large items twice a year. Recycling bins are provided to town residents and recycling practices follow Montgomery County requirements, which can be found here:



Planning & Zoning

The town controls planning and zoning within the town limits. The town issues building permits where required to indicate a project’s compliance with the town’s requirements. Further building permits are then issued by Montgomery County as required to meet county building standards. The town also has a Board of Appeals to handle any special exceptions or appeals of decisions by the Planning Commission.



Sidewalk Maintenance

The town is working to improve the pedestrian access throughout town. The Master Plan includes a goal to provide sidewalks throughout town. The town does not own the roads inside the town, so it works with state and county officials on development of additional sidewalks. The town has undertaken to maintain the sidewalks. This includes providing snow removal on the sidewalks, generally only for storms that exceed 2” accumulation and where prevailing temperatures will not provide rapid melting.



Stormwater Management

The Town of Barnesville sits on a hill and drains toward the west into four unnamed tributaries to the Little Monocacy River, which flows into the Potomac River. Barnesville’s topography, its rural rustic roads, and the increasing severity of rain events has created stormwater run-off problems. The town recently was awarded a grant to develop a stormwater management concept plan in the center of town. A spokesperson for Montgomery County’s RainScapes program spoke to the community and has encouraged homeowners and churches to explore participating in this program. The town is exploring other strategies for improving stormwater run-off in town, possible through formation of a stormwater management committee that would work to develop a comprehensive stormwater management program.


PO Box 95
Barnesville, MD 20838




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